Friday, February 27

Common Tests are finally over, after a long long week. I go home right after school everyday(excpt today) to study watch tv & sleep then finally start studying at night. I hope only physics/geog/history screw up only. That seems like a lot ):

I asked my dad "Why are there so many funerals recently. I keep seeing them. " Currently, there is one at my block's downstairs, one opposite opposite my block. I see them every morning, which made me recall everything that happened on 7th November 2006. Everytime I step into her room, everytime someone mentions about her, I feel so dejected and lost. Yes, I miss her.

Oh yay NHNB won NYNB! Sucker get well soon!

Hehe, I think you were cute today!
I felt so happy after I talked to you, for some reasons which I don't know as well.

Friday, February 20

I am so fucking irritated by my mother. It is obviously her fault minus the part when I gave her 'attitude' and now she wants me to wash my own uniforms and iron them. How do I wash them in the first place?!

Physics tuition today, that teacher is .... i have no words to describe him. He taught all 4 chapts for CTs in 1.5Hr or less than that. How nice. I want Daniel Chow's tuition, almost everybody under him is saying that he is good(: & When he was in Nan Hua, they claimed that he was good too, so yeaaa.

Baba House on Sunday(15Feb09) was interesting, especially when there is a hot Ang Moh Couple and this old woman who says "How nice, chest on chest" sacarstically, this woman who looks/acts like Xiaxue AND this woman who looks the bitchy woman in Survivor-Gabon(maybe she is!)

Bitchy gang(: without _____.
omg my cute cute _____. Okay not mine~

Hehe hope I don't screw my CTs like how I screwed my Class Tests!

Saturday, February 14


I think I acted like how Grace acts when she sees Samantha Wang, and the other girls she mentioned. Germaine was super cute and is still cute. Who on earth jumps like that when she throw a ball? Who on earth make that cute expression when people tease her? Who on earth do such cute things like Germaine>.<

Yes, I am scared of you.
Yes, I don't understand you.
Yes, I don't like 迁就-ing you.
Yes, I know I don't have another choice.

This entire week was a torture but I am glad there was yesterday.

Thanks Sylvia (:
& Shinyi you will get your rose on monday.

Saturday, February 7

This post made my day for idk what reason.

I found this like in Jay Chou's fanclub blog. So apparently, there are like people ranting in the blog, although I think it is abit weird ah. So this girl I guess, started ranting.

Here goes:

heavy school work.... can only use computer on weekends.... xianzz..... woah today take care of beijing pupils.... they come to our skool.... sit beside me and stare..... aiyoo....... now P5 lerhs.... xianzzz...... teachers very WADzzz...... :( btw sorry for not posting for so long :P so sorry .... sigh nowadays arh my dad very wad de.... school got camp arh he dun even let me go. only our skool got this camp u noe? so selfish leh. :(

this year in class 5I
our class blog:
please tag tag tag tag in the chatbox! :D

Most of the members of the blog are like 15-20++ and this 11 year old girl is ranting like nobody's business. But I think she is hilarious, actually I think primary school students' posts are rather interesting. Why did I delete mine, or else I think I can laugh at myself.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons

Tomorrow going for C.I.P @ IMH, wo hui pa~